Maintenance of the Twin Screw Extruder

In order to ensure the safe and stable production of the twin screw extruder and prolong its service life, the maintenance of the twin screw extruder must be strengthened. The basic contents are as follows:

1. Maintenance during operation of the twin screw extruder

(1) It is not allowed to carry debris in the material. Metal, sand and other hard materials are strictly prohibited to enter the hopper and the twin screw barrel;

(2) When opening the cover of air extraction chamber, prevent foreign matter from falling into the twin screw barrel;

(3) There should be sufficient heat preservation time after heating up the twin screw extruder. The extruder can be powered on for operation only when other parts move smoothly.

(4) The screw is only allowed to start at a low speed, and the idling time should not exceed 2 minutes. The feeder should gradually increase the speed after feeding by the starvation method.

2. The daily maintenance of main engine of twin screw extruder

(1) The engine oil and lubricating oil should be changed every 4000h. If the main motor is a DC motor, the carbon brush of the motor should be checked once a month, and a record should be made, and the carbon brush should be replaced if necessary;

(2) The electric control cabinet should be purged once a month, and the wear of the screw and barrel should be checked quarterly, and records should be made;

(3) Check the gears, bearings and oil seals of the gearbox once a year;

(4) When shut down for a long time, the twin screw extruder should receive anti-corrosion and anti-fouling treatments.

After the twin screw extruder fails, it should be repaired according to the steps and methods described in the equipment manual.

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